Drei Mitarbeitende plaudern im Gang des Bürogebäudes.

Getzner Academy

Internal training and further education

Our employees are specialists in their fields. This know-how is an essential aspect of our success and is therefore promoted within the framework of the Getzner Academy: Employees and managers are supported in their respective professional and life phases with the appropriate further training offer. In addition to basic training and specialist textile training, the course programme also includes seminars on personality development, leadership development and current trends. A special focus is on lifelong learning – you never stop learning.

Drei Personen arbeiten konzentriert am Tisch mit einem Tablet.

Getzner basic training courses

Several basic training courses provide new employees with a quick introduction to the Getzner company. An overview of textile production processes is given, technical terms and regulations are explained. Because it is important to understand the big picture in order to work effectively and productively.

Zwei Mitarbeitende der Produktion besprechen aktuelle Themen.

Specialised textile training

In order to be able to constantly train new skilled workers, Getzner offers internal specialist training as a weaving specialist and finishing specialist. These training courses prepare employees for new tasks and enhance their knowledge in the areas of processes, materials and key figures.

Junge Mitarbeitende im Austausch am Stehtisch.

Work and study

In addition to the courses offered by the Getzner Academy, we also promote external training and further education for our employees. Combining work and family with studies is made possible, for example, through dual or part-time studies and with the support of the company. This is how we support our employees on their individual educational path.