"Sustainably strengthening the compatibility of family and work"
Getzner Textil has once again been awarded the "Excellent Family-Friendly Company" seal of quality.
„Buntstiftle“: In-house childcare für small children
In recent years, the company has set various important accents. In particular, the establishment of the company's own toddler care "Getzners Buntstiftle" enjoys great popularity. "Our toddler care, which we have been operating together with the city of Bludenz since 2016, is very well received by our employees," informs Perrine Getzner, who is responsible for the toddler care area. "For the past two years, we have been completely booked up, so we are working flat out to be able to open a second group as soon as possible."
Comprehensive leave management
Other measures, such as financial support for childcare costs, comprehensive maternity leave management (from notification of pregnancy to return to work) and active support for fathers through part-time options, lay the foundation for the seamless reintegration of parents into working life. Organized meetings for those on maternity leave (e.g. the "Parent-Child Coffee" and the "Discovery Room") ensure regular exchange. The support services are rounded off by vacation childcare options - in cooperation with the city of Bludenz - and an in-house psychological counseling service.
Image sources: Frederick Sams; Marcel Hagen/Studio 22